Weekly Announcements

Reflection from The Vicar:  

Christina Rosetti’s, In the bleak mid-winter set to Harold Darke’s music is one of my favourite Christmas Carols.  The last verse puts all the razzmatazz that gets in the way of worshipping into perspective.  What can I give him, poor as I am?  If I were a shepherd, I would give a lamb.  If I were a wise man, I would do my part. Yet what I can, I give him? Give my heart. 

Amid all the festive noise and activity, can we find a few moments to give him our heart?  Not just for Christmas, but into the new year and beyond.

Sunday 15th December
8.30 am Holy Communion
11.30 am Family Carol service, in church
  [Creche available in Massereene Chapel]
6.00 pm Christmas Movie Night – The Santa Clause at Antrim Omniplex … 5pm @ Starbucks for coffee and chat
 NOTICES for the week ahead:
 Mon 16th 7.30 pm Select Vestry meeting in the Vicarage
 Wed 18th 11.00 am Holy Communion in Parish Centre
    NO Bowling Club [resumes Wed 8th January]
 Fri 20th 9.30-11.00 am NO Tots ‘n’ Us Playgroup [resumes Fri 10th January]
 Next Sunday – 22nd December
8.30 am Holy Communion
11.30 am Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
  [Creche available in Massereene Chapel]
  NO Funday Club [resumes Sun 12th January]
6.30 pm Nine Lessons and Carols, by candlelight
  Christmas break for all church organisations
Christmas services:
Tue 24th, Christmas Eve 10.00 pm First Holy Communion of Christmas
Wed 25th, Christmas Day  8.30 am Holy Communion
10.30 am Family Christmas Service
Sun 29th Dec 11.30 am Carols and readings for Christmas
HIDDEN NI, a series of programmes uncovering some of Northern Ireland’s less well known spaces and places will be featuring All Saints’ Parish Church and Churchwarden Carol Moore on UTV – Thursday 19th December at 8.30 pm.
Bible Readings for the week:
MONDAY Psalm 51 Isaiah 49: 14-25 Matthew 16: 13-28
TUESDAY Psalm 27 Isaiah 50: 1-11 Matthew 17: 1-13
WEDNESDAY Psalm 52 Isaiah 51: 1-8 Matthew 17: 14-21
THURSDAY Psalm 53 Isaiah 51: 9-16 Luke 1: 5-25
FRIDAY Psalm 54 Isaiah 51: 17-23 Luke 1: 26-38
SATURDAY Psalm 55 Isaiah 52: 1-12 Luke 1: 39-45
THE CHOSEN – we will be showing Series 4 of The Chosen beginning on Monday 20th January at 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre.

Next year’s Flower List is now available for parishioners who wish to donate towards the church flowers on a particular Sunday, in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special anniversary.  The Flower List is with the churchwarden.

GIFT is a Christian ministry created to encourage and support young people and adults with learning disabilities from 13 years +, to Grown In Faith and Truth* [*all while parents & carers relax and have a chat over refreshments]

Where:     Antrim Baptist Church, 3 Greystone Link

When:      3rd Sunday of every month, 3pm – 4.15 pm

Contact: Jo-Anne 07776 718523, or Fiona 07846 787927 or email giftantrim@gmail.com

EXTRA MILE PROJECTTHE LEPROSY MISSIONtotal raised to date: £668.44   Five million people across the world are currently affected by Leprosy.  In 2022 there were 174,087 new cases of the disease – 10,302 of these were children.  Your gift in the Extra Mile Bucket will help transform the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in the world.  Whatever you give, you’ll be playing a part in bringing hope, healing and health to people affected by leprosy in Asia and Africa.  Donations can be dropped into the green bucket at the Church-warden’s table.  Thank you for your support.

OASIS FOOD BANK – please consider donating an item or two to support the local food bank project.  This is a marvellous way of showing God’s love in a practical way.  Please leave items in the box in the porch [eg pasta, tinned soups, tinned vegetables, cereal, toiletries, etc]