Weekly Announcements

Thought for the month from the Vicar: 

For the clergy, the summer months give us a well deserved time away from meetings and administration.  As our organisations take a break, we have a few more evenings to knock on doors and say hello. We take our pastoral visiting very seriously, but due to all sorts of constraints on our time, we don’t get to visit as often as we would wish to.  However, if you need to see one of us, just pick up the phone.  Hopefully over the summer weeks, we will be doing a bit of catch up visiting and seeing those who have recently joined us and getting to know you a bit more.  It has been a fantastic spring with the encouragement of our Alpha Course.  Several new families have joined us. We have received a grant of £45,000 towards our restoration.  We have a team of four going to Spain to a youth camp.  There is a lot to be thankful for.  I hope that in all the busyness of life, you all have an opportunity in the coming weeks to refresh body and soul and enjoy some much needed good sunshine.

 Mid-week Holy Communion:
 Every Wed 11.00 am Holy Communion in Parish Centre
Services for July
Every Sunday 8.30 am Holy Communion
Sunday 7th 11.30 am Holy Communion
Sunday 14th 11.30 am Morning Prayer
Sunday 21st 11.30 am Family Service – Parish Centre
Sunday 28th 11.30 am Healing & Wholeness Service
  [Creche available in Massereene Chapel each Sunday]
Dates for your diary:


22nd to 26th July, 6.30pm – 8.30pm

The All Stars Holiday Club in the Parish Centre. 

Come along for stories, games and craft and to find out what it means to be part of God’s team.

All from P1-P7 welcome.



Bible Readings for w/c 7th July: Sixth Sunday after Trinity
MONDAY Psalm 58 Hosea 2: 14-16; 19-20 Matthew 9: 18-26
TUESDAY Psalm 59 Hosea 8: 4-7, 11-13 Matthew 9: 32-38
WEDNESDAY Psalm 60 Hosea 10: 1-3, 7, 8, 12 Matthew 10: 1-7
THURSDAY Psalm 61 Hosea 11: 1, 3-4, 8-9 Matthew 10: 7-15
FRIDAY Psalm 62 Hosea 14: 2-9 Matthew 10: 16-23
SATURDAY Psalm 63 Isaiah 6: 1-8 Matthew 10: 24-33


Bible Readings for w/c 14th July: Seventh Sunday after Trinity
MONDAY Psalm 64 Joshua 1: 1-18 Matthew 10: 34 – 11: 1
TUESDAY Psalm 65 Joshua 2: 1-24 Matthew 11: 20-24
WEDNESDAY Psalm 66 Joshua 3: 1-13 Matthew 11: 25-27
THURSDAY Psalm 67 Joshua 3: 14 – 4: 7 Matthew 11: 28-30
FRIDAY Psalm 68 Joshua 4: 19 – 5: 1, 10-15 Matthew 12: 1-8
SATURDAY Psalm 69 Joshua 6: 1-27 Matthew 12: 14-21


Bible Readings for w/c 21st July: Eighth Sunday after Trinity
MONDAY Psalm 70 Joshua 7: 1-26 Matthew 12: 22-45
TUESDAY Psalm 71 Joshua 8: 1-22 Matthew 12: 46-50
WEDNESDAY Psalm 72 Joshua 8: 30-35 Matthew 13: 1-9
THURSDAY Psalm 73 2 Kings 1: 9-15 Matthew 20: 20-28
FRIDAY Psalm 74 Joshua 9: 22 – 10: 15 Matthew 13: 18-23
SATURDAY Psalm 75 Joshua 23: 1 – 24: 13 Matthew 13: 24-30


Bible Readings for w/c 28th July: Ninth Sunday after Trinity
MONDAY Psalm 76 Joshua 24: 14-33 Matthew 13: 31-35
TUESDAY Psalm 77 Judges 2: 1-5, 11-23 Matthew 13: 36-43
WEDNESDAY Psalm 79 Judges 3: 12-30 Matthew 13: 44-46
THURSDAY Psalm 80 Judges 4: 4-23 Matthew 13: 47-53
FRIDAY Psalm 81 Judges 5: 1-31 Matthew 13: 54-58
SATURDAY Psalm 82 Judges 6: 1-24 Matthew 14: 1-12


‘Cathedral 120 Chairs Appeal’ … St Anne’s Cathedral is still accepting donations to support this appeal: replacing the original wooden chairs of the Cathedral.  If you are interested in donating a chair, donation forms are available with the churchwardens.

Those who donate the £150 cost per chair (or £120 & Gift Aid) can have the name of a loved one listed on a commemorative plaque within the Cathedral.

The next Extra Mile Bucket fundraising effort is for The Leprosy Mission……………

In 1986 the Vicar had the opportunity to visit a Leprosy Hospital in Salur in Andra Pradesh in the southern part of India.  It was a transformative experience seeing at first hand the dreadful effect this disease has on the lives of those suffering from it and their families.  When we think of Leprosy, most of us associate it with biblical times, when Jesus healed people afflicted with the illness.  Although we will probably never meet any one in the High Street who has Leprosy, it is still prevalent in poorer countries where people suffer from an inadequate diet, poor sanitation and there is little health provision.

The Leprosy Mission, which was founded 150 years ago by Dubliner Wellsley Bailley continues to work to prevent the spread of the disease.  It runs hospitals and provides much needed care for those afflicted and their families and advocates on their behalf.

£24 is the cost of multi drug therapy which will cure a person from the ravages of the illness. How many people can we help with our donations…. 10, 50, 100??

OASIS FOOD BANK – please consider donating an item or two to support the local food bank project.  This is a marvellous way of showing God’s love in a practical way.  Please leave items in the box in the porch [eg pasta, tinned soups, tinned vegetables, cereal, toiletries, etc]